Geomorphology is a branch of Earth science that focuses on the study of landforms, their origin, development, and classification. It examines the processes that shape the Earth’s surface, such as erosion, weathering, tectonic activity, and sedimentation. Geomorphologists investigate the topography of the Earth and seek to understand the forces and factors that contribute to the formation of various landforms, including mountains, valleys, plains, and coastlines.

Table of Content

Introduction to Geography

Introduction to Geomorphology

Fundamental Concepts in Geomorphology

    • Concepts Related to Uniformitarianism
    • Geological Structure
    • Geomorphological Processes
    • Stages of Time
    • Geomorphic Scale (time scale-cyclic time, graded time and steady time, spatial scale)
    • Geomorphological Equation
    • Complexity of Landforms etc.

Theories of Landform Development

    • Lack of Commonly Acceptable Theories
    • Significance and Goals of Geomorphic Theories
    • Historical Perspective
    • Bases and Types of Geomorphic Theories
    • Geomorphic Theory of G.K. Gilbert
    • Geomorphic Theory of W.M. Davis
    • Geomorphic Theory of W. Penck.
    • Geomorphic Theory of L.C. King.
    • Geomorphic Theory of J.T. Hack
    • Geomorphic Theory of M. Morisaw.
    • Geomorphic Theory of S.A Schumm

Climatic Geomorphology and Morphogenetic Regions

    • Diagnostic Landforms
    • Geomorphological Process and Climatic Control.
    • Direct Control of Climate.
    • Indirect Climatic Control.
    • Climatic Changes and Landforms.
    • Geomorphogenetic Regions.

Constitution of Interior of the Earth

Continents and Oceans


    • Introduction to the Rocks
    • Classification of the Rocks
    • Sedimentary Rocks
    • Igneous Rocks
    • Metamorphic Rocks

Earth’s Movements

    • Introduction to the Earth’s Movements
    • Endogenetic Forces
    • Folds
    • Faults
    • Rift Valleys
    • Exogenetic Forces

Structural Geomorphology

    • Geomorphic Expressions of Uniclinal Structure
    • Topographic Expressions of Fault Structure (Fault Geomorphology)
    • Topographic Expressions of Folded Structure (Fold Geomorphology)
    • Inversion of Relief
    • Fluvial Cycle of erosion on folded structure
    • Topographic Expressions of Domed Structure
    • Fluvial Cycle of Erosion on Domed Structure

Plate Tectonics

    • Meaning and Concept of Plate Tectonics
    • Paleomagnetism (Source of Geomagnetism)
    • Reconstruction of Paleomagnetism
    • Reversal of Polarity
    • Sea-floor Spreading
    • Plate Motion
    • Causes of Plate Motion
    • Plate Tectonics and Continental Drift
    • Plate Tectonics and Mountain Building
    • Plate Tectonics and Vulcanicity
    • Plate Tectonics and Earthquakes

Vulcanicity and Landforms

    • Concept of Vulcanicity
    • Components of Volcanoes
    • Classification of Volcanoes
    • Volcanic Types
    • World Distribution of Volcanoes
    • Mechanism and Causes of Vulcanism
    • Hazardous Effects of Volcanic Eruptions
    • Topography Produced by Vulcanicity
    • Geysers
    • Fumaroles

Mountain Building

    • Introduction to the Process of Mountain Building
    • Classification of Mountains
    • Block Mountains
    • Folded Mountains
    • Geosynclines
    • Theories of Mountain Building
    • Geosynclinal Theory of Kober
    • Thermal Contraction Theory of Jeffreys
    • Sliding Continent Theory of Daly
    • Thermal Convection Current Thery of Holmes
    • Radio-activity Theory of Joly
    • Plate Tectonic Theory of Mountain Building



Work of Glaciers

Work of Sea

Ground Water

Denudation Chronology, Erosion Surfaces and Peneplains

    • Meaning and Concept
    • Erosion Surfaces (meaning, identification of erosion surfaces, dating of erosion surfaces )
    • Erosion Surfaces of United States
    • Erosion Surfaces of Canada
    • Erosion Surfaces of Mexico


    • Classification of Slopes
    • Slope Elements
    • Approaches to the Study of Slope Development
    • Evolution Approach
    • Process-form Approach (Monoprocess and Poly-process Concept)
    • Slop Decline Theory of Davis
    • Slope Replacement Theory of Penk
    • A. Wood Model of Slope Evolution
    • Hillslope Cycle Theory of L.C. King
    • Concept of R.A. Savigear
    • Fisher-Lehman Model of Slope Evolution
    • Process-Response Model of A.Young
    • Slope Failure
    • Hillslope Process and Erosion

Cycle of Erosion, Rejuvenation and Polycyclic Reliefs

    • Origin and Evolution of the Concept
    • Geographical Cycle of Davis
    • Penck’s Model of Cycle of Erosion
    • Normal Cycle of Erosion
    • Interruptions in Cycle of Erosion
    • Rejuvenation
    • Topographic Expressions of Rejuvenation and Polycyclic Reliefs

Drainage Systems and Patterns

    • Meaning and Concept
    • Sequent Drainage Systems (consequent, subsequent, obsequent and resequent streams)
    • Insequent Drainage System (antecedent and superimposed drainage systems)
    • Drainage Patterns (trellised, dendritic, rectangular, radial, centripetal, annular, barbed, pinnate, herringbone and parallel patterns)
    • River Capture

Morphometry of Drainage Basin

    • Meaning and Concept
    • Historical Perspective
    • Shortcomings
    • Drainage Basin: A Geomorphic unit
    • Drainage Basin: Historical Perspective
    • Drainage Basin Hydrological Cycle
    • Basin Morphometry
    • Linear Aspects: stream ordering, bifurcation ratio, law of stream numbers, length ratio, law of stream length, sinuosity indices, stream junction angles
    • Areal Aspects: Geometry of Basin Shape, law of basin perimeter, basin length
      and basin area, area ratio, law of basin area, law of allometric growth,
      stream frequency, drainage density, drainage texture
    • Relief Aspects: Hypsometric Analysis, clinographic analysis, altimetric analysis, average slope, relative reliefs, dissection index, the law of channel slope, and profile analysis.

River Valleys, Graded River and Profile of Equilibrium

    • Forms of Valley Development
    • Valley Deepening
    • Valley Widening
    • Valley Lengthening
    • Classification of Valleys
    • Graded Curve of a River and Profile of Equilibrium: longitudinal profile and graded curve, concept of
      grade, controlling factors of the graded river, grading of the river channel and profile of equilibrium
    • Disturbed and Regraded Curve: effects of rejuvenation, effects of deposition

Channel Morphology

    • Channel Geometry or form
    • Hydraulic Geometry (at-a-station relationships, downstream variations in channel forms, bed and bank materials and hydraulic geometry,  sediment load and hydraulic geometry )
    • Channel Bed Topography
    • Channel Types (bedrock channels and alluvial channels)
    • Channel Patterns (straight Channel, Meandering Channel, Braided Channel, Anastomosing Channel and Anabranching Channel).

Fluvial Geomorphology

    • Erosional Work of Rivers
    • Types of Fluvial Erosion
    • Base-level of Erosion
    • Erosional Landforms (river valleys-gorges and canyons, waterfalls, potholes, structural benches, river terraces, river meanders, ox-bow lakes, and peneplains)
    • Transportational Work of Streams
    • Depositional Works of Streams
    • Depositional Landforms (alluvial fans and cones, natural levees, delta).

Karst Geomorphology

    • Groundwater (meaning and concept)
    • Geomorphic Work of Groundwater
    • Erosional Work
    • Depositional Work
    • Limestone (Karst) Topography
    • Distribution of Karst Areas
    • Erosional Landforms (lapies, solution holes, polje, sinking creek, blind valley, karst valley, caves or caverns)
    • Karst Cycle of Erosion.

Coastal Geomorphology

    • Agents of Coastal Erosion
    • Sea Coast and Sea Shore
    • Processes and Mechanisms of Marine Erosion
    • Erosional Landforms (cliffs, wave-cut platforms, natural chimneys, stack, blow holes)
    • Transportation Work
    • Depositional Landforms (beaches, bars, barriers and associated features)
    • Classification of coasts, and shorelines
    • Development of Shorelines and Marine Cycle of Erosion Along a Shoreline of Submergence and Emergence

Arid And Semi-Arid Geomorphology

    • Aeolian Environments
    • Erosional Works of Wind
    • Erosional landforms
    • Transportational Works of Wind
    • Depositional Work of Wind
    • Depositional Landforms (bedforms)
    • Fluvial Desert Landforms (badland, playas, pediments, bajadas)
    • Arid Cycle of Erosion
    • Savanna Cycle of Erosion

Glacial Geomorphology

    • Ice and Related Phenomena
    • Types of Glaciers
    • Movement of Glaciers
    • Erosional Work of Glaciers
    • Erosional and Residual Landforms
    • Transportational and Depositional Works of Glaciers
    • Depositional Landforms
    • Glacio-fluvial Deposits and Landforms
    • Glacialgeomorphic Cycle
    • Ice Ages and Pleistocene Glaciation

Periglacial Geomorphology

    • Meaning and Concept
    • Periglacial Climate
    • Periglacial Areas
    • Permafrost
    • Active layer
    • Mechanism of Periglacial Processes (congelifraction, frost heaving, congelifluction, nivation, fluvial process, and aeolian process)
    • Genetic Classification of Periglacial Landforms
    • Periglacial Cycle

Regional Geomorphology of the United States of America

    • Geomorphology of Rocky Rage
    • Geomorphology of Cascade Range
    • Geomorphology of Coast Range
    • Geomorphology of Appalachian Range
    • Geomorphology of Brook Range
    • Geomorphology of Klamath Mountains
    • Geomorphology of Sierra Nevada Range
    • Geomorphology of Alaska Range
    • Geomorphology of Plains and the United States
    • Coastal Geomorphology of the United States
    • Desert Geomorphology of the United States
    • Geomorphology of Colorado Plateau

Applied Geomorphology

    • Meaning and Concept
    • Applied Geomorphology in the United States Context
    • Geomorphology and Regional Planning
    • Geomorphology and Hazard Management
    • Geomorphology and Urbanization
    • Geomorphology and Engineering Works
    • Geomorphology and Hydrology
    • Geomorphology and Mineral Exploration

Anthropogenic Geomorphology

    • Meaning and Concept
    • Historical Perspective
    • Man’s Impacts on Environmental Processes
    • Man and Hydrological Processes
    • Man and Weathering and Massmovement Processes
    • Man and Coastal Processes
    • Man and River Process
    • Man and Periglacial Processes
    • Man and Subsurface Processes
    • Man and Pedological processes
    • Man-induced Soil Erosion
    • Man and Sedimentation

Climate Change and Quarternary Geomorphology

    • Indicators of Climatic Changes
    • Causes and Theories o f Climatic Changes
    • Quaternary Climatic Changes and Landforms